my android iceberg ig
prolly missed a lot but here
ignore the bottom just pretend it goes up to where it goes up lol
Android Newspaper Guidelines
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- Say it’s a good thing. Saying it’s a bad thing results in a 3-week ban. Doing that to Wikia results a month ban. Doing that …
Android Newspaper
Android Newspaper is the sharing guidelines. Be follow the guidelines before reading the newspaper.
Android 9.2 Phone
Software Hardware
Android Wiki Needs Help!
- 1 About Android Wiki
- 2 List of Active/Inactive Members
- 3 We Needs Active Contributors
- 4 Contact
The Android Wiki is an encyclopedia about anything that is related to Android. Android is an open source operating system that was created by Android Inc, and is developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. We started with the part of Android that is dominated by Google, but we will eventually expand into parts that are not. More about us can be found on the About Us page.
As you can see the list of active Android wikia members here.
If you are reading this, then i just want to tell you that Android Wiki needs active contributors. If you can help us to grow Android Wiki Community then please help us. Thanks :)
If you are going to start editing this wik…
Introducing new Android Excellence apps and games on Google Play
Congratulations to the latest apps and games featured in the Android Excellence program on Google Play. As a reminder, these collections are refreshed every three months and recognize apps and games that set the bar for high quality, great user experience, and strong technical performance.
Android Developers Blog PLAY CONSOLE Android Developers Blog The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
Android Studio switching to D8 dexer 06 April 2018 Posted by Jeffrey van Gogh, Software Engineering Manager D8 now default dex compiler
Faster, smarter app compilation is always a goal for the Android tools teams. That's why we previously announced D8, a next-generation dex compiler. D8 runs faster and pr…
What's new in Android Nougat?
The latest update for the Pixel and supported Nexus family is Android 7.1.2, originally announced on January 31, which actually brings a bit more than you might expect for an incremental update. The Pixels miss out on the most exciting stuff, mostly because they have it already, gaining just the “powered by Android” logo on the boot splash screen and the March 5 security patch. Google also improved the finger swipe gesture for the Pixels and Bluetooth connectivity issues.
The Nexus 6P, which I’m using with Android 7.1.2 now, gained fingerprint scanner gestures at last, meaning you can now drag down the notifications shade with the rear-mounted finger scanner. It can be found in the Moves section of the Settings menu and is not enabled by de…
Why Android Marshmallow is Better?
- 1 Android Pay
- 2 Voice Controls
- 3 Battery Life And Charging
- 4 Google Now on Tap
- 5 App Permissions
Android M sees a whole raft of new features brought into the Android mobile sphere. The headline of which is likely to be Android Pay, Google’s attempt to play catch-up on Apple’s already established mobile payment platform. Technically, Marshmallow isn’t imperative to Android Pay. Indeed, it was launched around a month ago on any NFC-enabled device running Android KitKat and above. Still, it’s with 6.0 that Android Pay will really ramp it up a notch.
That is mainly due to another major feature in Android M- Fingerprint support. Again, fingerprint recognition for unlocking your phone is nothing new on Android, with many manufacturers supporting the concep…
Android Wiki Needs More Help...
The Android Wiki is an encyclopedia about anything that is related to Android. Android is an open source operating system that was created by Android Inc, and is developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. We started with the part of Android that is dominated by Google, but we will eventually expand into parts that are not.
If you are interested in Android wikia? Or if you likes Android Stuff. Or if you are an android developer or Android Geek? Then you can edit this wikia.
If you need help related Android wikia, for example if you don't how to start editing and how to edit and add pages then you can contact me here.
The A
Since 2014, Galaxy A-series was introduced.
First device as Galaxy Alpha, then followed by Galaxy A3, A5, and A7. These A3, A5, A7 device's processors was Galaxy A-series (2016 edition)
Me and my Dreams
I want to be a software developer in few years. Presently i am doing my engineering in computer science. Will update you soon with more intresting things.
Transferring Android Related Articles
I'm Drew1200, an administrator on the Google Wiki. I've recently decided to narrow the scope of the article types on the Google Wiki. Right now, we simply cover too many different types of articles, and it leaves very much mixed quality and inconsistent content. Among the pages to go are any Android device pages that are not Nexus devices. However, many of these pages have some decent quality to them, and all have quite a bit of content. So I was just wondering if there would be any interest in me importing the articles to this wiki before I delete them.
I'm guessing there's around 60 articles, several of which probably already exist here (in which case I wouldn't import them). They'd need cleaned up and formatted a little bit, since they u…