Android Wiki

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Android Wiki

This is a community of all users. Be sure to read!

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  1. Do not spam. Doing it results in a kick, repeat it results in 10 minutes, repeat it for the third time results in a day, repeat it for the fourth time results in 1 week or 1 week and 3 days, repeat it for the fifth time results in 4 or 5 months,

and repeat for a last time results in a decade.

  1. Keep it civil. Do not doing it results in kick.
  2. Don’t say don’t keep it civil. Doing it results in 3-day chat ban.
  3. Don’t say Can you watch my vi**o? in message cell. Doing that results less than a day.
  4. Say can you watch my video? in message wall. Not doing that results more than a day.
  5. Say it’s a good thing. Saying it’s a bad thing results in a 3-week ban. Doing that to Wikia results a month ban. Doing that to Fandom results a year ban.
  6. Do not vandalize. Wonder how strong does the vandalized as the advertised. Doing that to all staffs results in indefinite or multiples of 1 hour ban.
  7. Do not vandalize no harass. Doing that to all users results in 2 weeks. Wonder how strong is the vandalize.
  8. Do not advertise. This is a no ads wiki. Doing that to some users results in a block ban.
  9. Do not advertise on harass. Doing that to all users results in 2 weeks. Wonder how strong is the advertise.
  10. Don’t be troll. Doing that to all users including a administrator or a bureaucrat. Wonder how it is troll.
  11. Ask for help. Create a new wiki from